Friday, December 28, 2012


 A twin mob coming in, the Boss had to take the wire down, because no way were they going under (if we didn't want them too they would).

 As you can see it is only a single wire, and it is there to reduce Tango's rations - so she doesn't get too fat - but I do not think it is working!
                                     And it is up the hill into the yards beside the shearing shed

                                                          Jake and Don on the job

 The ewes have hit the grass after being through the shed, and thoroughly enjoying it.  It looked as if that was going to be the most they saw all summer, but we have just had a good rain, so growth will be better.  Before going into the shearing shed the sheep have to empty out - which means they have to be off grass for quite a few hours.  This makes it more comfortable for them as they are being shorn as they have empty stomachs, and they do not fight the shearers so much.  Also if they are in the pens of the shearing shed overnight with a full stomach, the wool gets dirty as they poo in the pen.

The hoggets coming out, really pleased with the way they have grown out.  We do not lamb our hoggets as it is too harsh a climate here.  You can see ridges in the wool because they have been shorn with what we call a "cover comb".  This leaves more wool still on the sheep than a conventional comb, so helps protect them a little more in bad weather - and just as well as it snowed 2 days later.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Obnoxious Ted

Ted seems to be recovering with no problem, but we won't really know until he has started working and there is more pressure on him.  At the moment he has absolutely no interest in sheep, all he's really interested in doing when he's out of the kennel is harassing the other dogs (look at Maid's attitudeas she sees him approaching) and me.  As you can see he is still a bit skinny, but has kept growing which is good.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all who celebrate it, may you have a relaxing time and a peaceful 2013.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ted's home

with plenty of medication!!  But he's stopped having diarrohea - in fact the last he had was in the back of the Isuzu coming back from the vet: he almost made it home, and he ALMOST managed to get it all on the covers I had in the boot - just not quite!!  And as my leg is well and truly on the mend  the Boss didn't mind that I cleaned it up (guess I do owe him, but not much now).

However he is not looking too bad and is having normal bowel actions now which don't appear to have any blood in them.  He has plenty of energy, and is eating a little more each day ( he wants a lot more but is not allowed as yet).

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ted update

Poor wee pup licked up some urea.  The Boss had blown out the remains of the urea from the topdresser he had used on the hay paddocks at the shed, was only about a cupful and Ted didn't eat all of it, but it was enough to cause some damage.  He is still at the Vets on steroids, antibiotics, but drinking, so they are hoping to be able to keep his gut intact, and cross fingers that there is no long term kidney damage.  Prognosis at midday was reasonable for him, so now we just wait.  Usually the Boss keeps an eye on the dogs over there, but he was picking up glass from a blown out window to prevent any damage to animals around the yards, and wasn't watching the dogs.  None of the others had any thankfully, and it is apparently unusual for dogs to touch it.  (But I think I've mentioned Murphy's Law before!) 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gravely ill Ted

At this moment (lunchtime Sunday) our poor little Roly Pup is on his way to the vet.  Hopefully he can be saved but things not looking good.  He is frothing at the mouth, straining and passing liquied and horrible white faeces (at least we got a sample for the vet), bloated and generally not at all well.  So whether it is a bowel blockage, rotated stomach or poisoning we don't know yet, of them all we'll hope for the bowel blockage as that is the one he is most likely to be able to get over.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Service Testing the Bulls

One visit from the Vet that "the Boys" enjoy!  The heifer involved doesn't enjoy it quite so much, although if they were in the paddock and cycling they can be serviced many times for the period they are on heat.  And in this test they have a slight muscle relaxant/sedation and are given an anti-inflammatory afterwards to make it easier for them.

The heifer is tied up and each bull mounts her twice.  The vet inspects the penis of the bull, and whether he puts it in the correct place (this is not always a given).  And the penis is observed to make sure no deformities have developed and no injuries have occurred since they were last used.  The bulls mounts the heifer twice to ensure he has sufficient libido to do a good job, and isn't just going to be hanging around a cow in season, keeping the other bulls away, but not actually interested in mounting and mating.

All passed, except for the lame bull left back in the paddock.  Some of the bulls had a scrap(fight) when the 2 young bulls went into the paddock next to them in mid-October.  Hopefully he will come right as he is only middle aged, but since I bought 2 at the sale in the Winter, not just one (prices were right), we have a replacement (how wise I was!!!).  Now they just get to wait until almost the end of December before they go out with the cows.

I'm out of plaster, but still slow.  But it is really good to be able to do a LOT more than I was.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just ticking along -

The sun has been shining (until today) - the cows have been through the yards and split up (and just in time as the heifers are starting to calve) .  The heifers often start a few days early, as the stud bull breeders are trying to breed bulls with a genetic tendency towards a shorter gestation period. 
The ewes are spread around their paddocks, and so far only 1 single lamb.  So "all in all" right on track.  That is except for me, I'm still sitting with the leg up, although I can get around more and do cook the meat dishes for dinner, and the all important bread.