Saturday, June 25, 2011

Forgot to tell you

Why we breakfeed stock.  It is for the best "utilisation of the pasture"!!  Meaning that if we put the mob onto one big paddock and left them for a certain length of time, they would eat far more than they needed to start with, leaving all their least favourite pasture species, then not enough in the finish as you tried to get them to eat what they don't like so much.  With the break they eat what they require each day, but do eat off the less desirable species as well.
As you breakfeed you can also back fence, electric as well, so the stock don't keep chewing off the pasture behind them (which is better for it) and reduces the mud.

We've had the dozer (bulldozer) in over the last week too.  The amazing thing is the driver is an 82 year old man.  He worked on this farm developing the paddocks in the 1950's for previous owners.  Does a dawn till dark day, most days of the week - incredible!  The only thing he does slowly is getting up and down off the vehicle. 

Oohh and my fire only took 2 days to properly go out, all that valuable !! timber turned to ash.

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